The Misadventures of Shadow's Sketchbook
:blush: Welcome to my Sketchbook:blush:
Still learning a lot all at once so there is a ton of trial and error on line art, painting,gesture drawing, animation, and anatomy studies.

Any advice or critiques would be extremely appreciated to help improvement <3 Thank you in advance!

[Image: to_the_spirit_by_shadowlillium-d5qvkm9.jpg]

[Image: hectate_by_shadowlillium-d5qtddu.jpg]

[Image: egyptian_angel_by_shadowlillium-d5qzuj8.jpg]

[Image: BAGv0I3CYAAIapm.jpg:large]

[Image: flame_knight_by_shadowlillium-d5qktd3.jpg]


Messages In This Thread
The Misadventures of Shadow's Sketchbook - by ShadowLillium - 01-10-2013, 12:17 PM
RE: The Misadventures of Shadow's Sketchbook - by leonardZC - 01-25-2013, 05:34 PM

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