Images Fine In PS, Dark As Hell Online
Thanks for the advice everybody. I'm still having the issue and since I've tried printing the images it's only gotten more confusing.

I have been able to get around the issue a little bit by re-sizing my work to 1024 x 1536 (I paint at 6000 x 9000) and nowhere has had the darkness issue with that size. Any time I increase the size, however, I get the same darkness issue. It has been the same issue for prints too strangely enough. If I print below a 8 x 12 it looks fine. If I print at or above, it comes out crazy dark.

I made a side by side to help show exactly what is happening:

What does your image look like in Chrome/Firefox on other computers (library, school lab, friend's house. etc)? What does it look like in browser when you upload the Save For Web?

I've used my painting monitor, TV, phone and now in prints. It looks consistently dark in all of them.

I used to have the same problem. Actually, I still tend to have the same problem if my blacks are at 10%; the thing is, you should try to avoid having any colour be at 10% or less, because depending on peoples monitors and how they're calibrated, you illustration may just end up super dark.

That honestly sounds like what I'll probably have to end up doing. How do you avoid that restricting your values, though?

Mathew: you're sure it's RGB and not CMYK right? (uh, if it's PNG, obviously its RGB, but still)

Have you actually tried saving the JPG through photoshop's Save of Web?

Have you tried converting it to AdobeRGB is sRGB is failing then?

Are you seeing this image, after uploaded, on the same monitor you have been using to paint it?

Yep, I use sRGB for my color profile. I have used the Save For Web option and used both PNG and JPG, same issue. I have not tried AdobeRGB, I'll give that a shot and see how it works out. I use my monitor I paint on to view the images but have viewed my work on other screens and seen the same issue.

Plan of attack could be to save your image in a few ways with different profiles attached, with no profile attached, and in a couple of different file formats. Then you see which apps and browsers are giving you the anomalies, read up on these to see what they do with colour management. You might be able to narrow down what the culprit is.

Sounds like a plan. I'll try running through different profiles and extensions and see if anything comes out different.

When I still did PNG, but with a different version, it worked ok.

I'll give that a shot as well.

Sorry I have replied so late to this thread by the way. I got a bit complacent using the re-sizing workaround but it's definitely come back to bite me now that I actually want to print my work.

Thanks a lot for all of the suggestions you guys. I really do appreciate it, I'll give some of these suggestions a shot and let you know if anything works.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Images Fine In PS, Dark As Hell Online - by Matthew McEntire - 09-01-2015, 08:23 AM

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